The Altered Reality Telekinetics (A.R.T.) Training Manual shares methods of altering reality telepathically, with student readers.
The skills contained herein, with practice, enable the practitioner ( to consciously mediate their bio-electrical system in order to produce observable, repeatable, tangible real world changes on the physical, matter-composed, consensus reality.
This manual effectively puts the consciousness skills of psychokinetic atmospheric (weather) influence, manifestation, direct mental influence of living systems (DMILS includes energy healing of self and others as well as enhancements/"blessings" of self and others), and bio-scalar wave broadcast into your hands by explaining fundamental terminology, technique, and practice exercises regarding the harnessing of the human bio-electrical system by mental means.
Successful implementation of the skills contained in this training manual can be observed with the eyes, felt on the skin of the user, and measured via galvanic skin response sensors. We recommend Neulog sensors for all our students to gain hardcore immediate feedback on their progress, but this is optional.
This brief, concise, easy to understand manual bridges the mental and emotional realms, with the physical realm, in a concrete measurable way.
The skills, the exercises, and the manual itself was designed by our founder, as he was instructed by a funded research endeavor organized by Public Parapsychology ( ) to observe, analyze, dissect, and make teachable to the general population- the human ability to influence the weather and atmospheric phenomena by biological psycho-energetic means.
The applications of these skills, however, go well above and beyond the scope of that tasking, as applications for this ability are not exclusive to terrestrial weather systems, but also events, lifeforms (including plasma Lifeforms and other extraterrestrial Lifeforms) and even space weather.
The act of producing consciously mediated bio-electrical excitations, also feels somewhat enjoyable to the practitioner!
Lifetime one-on-one personal guidance with the author/developer is included with each paid copy, for those who purchase without our discount program. Lifetime guidance is also offered to those who purchase the manual when it is discounted "on-sale". Wildfire Mitigation public service Mass Meditation projects usually accompany such sales.
*This means you will have continuous access and communications with the pioneer innovator responsible for developing this skill, and associated techniques, exercises, and reeal-world applications - Michael Totaro - to help expedite your own safe, maximally effective, skill level progression and applications.
*Verification of purchase is required for lifetime training guidance*
**We also reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or terminate the continuous lifetime one-on-one personal training development offer included with this PDF training manual**
***Courage, inner strength, and persistence are required to successfully produce anomalous atmospheric phenomena in this capacity. Atmospheric Plasma Work is not for the faint of heart or the fearful.***
A.R.T. Training Manual